In this KB article, we will show how to filter and sort picklists/option sets.
In our example we will change the order of an Account's shipping method to be alphabetical whenever a User is in the security role Sales Manager
North52 Decision Suite
The North52 Decision Suite solution works like this:
- A client-side Formula is set up the Account entity that fires on the onLoad event
- This formula will check the current User's security roles
- If the User has the security role Sales Manager the Address 1 shipping method will be ordered alphabetically
- This formula will check the current User's security roles
- Create a new formula, setting the following values in the Formula Guide:
- Source Entity set to Account
- Set Formula Type to Clientside - Perform Action
- Select the Decision Table editor
- Click Create
- Change the Name of the formula to Order a Option set/Picklist depending on a User's role
- Expand Source & Target
- Under Source & Property select the onLoad event of the form you want this formula to fire on
- Copy and paste the following formula:
Iftrue(IsUserInSecurityRoles(WhoAmI(), 'Sales Manager') = true, xCacheLoadLocal('Address1_ShippingMethodCode_OptionSet', GetEntityMetadata('account', 'Attributes.Address1_ShippingMethodCode.OptionSet.Options')), xCacheFilterLocal('Address1_ShippingMethodCode_OptionSet', '', 'Label ASC'), ForEachRecord( GetVar('Address1_ShippingMethodCode_OptionSet'), SetVarConcat('Ordered_Address1_ShippingMethodCode_OptionSet_Values', ToString(CurrentRecord('Value'))+',') ), SetPicklistValues('address1_shippingmethodcode', true,TrimEnd(GetVar('Ordered_Address1_ShippingMethodCode_OptionSet_Values'),',')) )
- Click Save
Open up an Account as a User with and without the security role Sales Manager, you will see the ordering of the shipping method change.
Note: you will need to open the Account record using the form you selected earlier.