⚠️Please note this KB article only applies if you are using Dynamics v8 or earlier.
If the Sitemap is incorrectly showing, you can reset it by uninstalling the Sitemap and then installing it again. To do this, follow the steps below.
Sitemap Uninstall
To uninstall the Sitemap:
- Navigate to Settings > Solutions
- Click North52 BPA
- Click Open Configuration
- When the record opens then click Start Dialog from the command menu
- Add the N52 Maintenance Operations dialog
- Next select the SiteMap Uninstall option
- Click Next, then Finish and close the dialog

Sitemap Install
To install the Sitemap:
- Navigate to Settings > Solutions
- Click North52 BPA
- Click Open Configuration
- When the record opens then click Start Dialog from the command menu
- Add the N52 Maintenance Operations dialog
- Next select the SiteMap Install option
- Click Next, then Finish and close the dialog
- Now you can refresh your browser to see the North52 BPA sitemap elements