

This article describes the interface for the Test Runner. The Test Runner allows you to set up automated testing that will execute a set of Tests on a one-off or scheduled basis. Test Runner configurations are stored as Dynamics records and are edited via a specially adapted form.

Test Runner tab

The Test Runner tab provides a hierarchical view of Tests grouped by Test Plan and Test Suite names. The selected Tests are added to the Test Runner and will be executed whenever the Test Runner is triggered. Tests can be added by selecting the individual Test names or by selecting the Test Suite or Test Plan group headers. 

After a Test has executed you can select from the drop down to view the results of test runs. The results will show how many Tests and Test Steps were executed and the number of pass or failures.

Test Runner Results tab

Shows a list of all the Test Results that are generated as a result of executing the Test Runner.

Schedule Settings tab

The Schedule Settings tab is closed by default. Expand the tab to change the high-level configuration options for the Test Runner.


Give your Test Runner a relevant name that lets you easily identify what is being tested. 

Start DateTime

The Date and Time you wish the first test run to occur.


The frequency between Test Runner executions.  Select from Once (default), Every X Minutes, Hourly, Daily.

Every X

If you select Every X Minutes in the Frequency field you need to specify how many minutes the frequency should be. 

Next Run DateTime

The Date and Time that the Test Runner will run next. This value is automatically populated.

End DateTime

The Date and Time that the Test Runner should stop executing.

Last Run DateTime

The date and time that the Test Runner last executed.

Advanced Settings tab

The values in the these fields should not be changed unless you have received guidance from North52 Support.

N52 Commands 

In the command bar for the Test Runner form there is a menu option called N52 Commands with four options:

Clone Test Runner

Creates a copy of the Test Runner. After the clone has completed, the copied Test Runner record is available in the Test Runner list with a prefix :: added to the current Test Runner's name. 

Open Configuration

Opens the North52 Configuration record.

Start Test Runner

Starts the Test Runner process. The first execution will wait until the Start DateTime before starting.

Stop Test Runner

Stops the Test Runner process. Any future Test Runner executions will not be triggered.