Troubleshooting #01 - Insufficient Privileges
This message usually appears for users that have not yet been assigned one of the required security roles after BPA has been installed. This security role assignment is necessary so that all users within the CRM system have read access on the North52 entities.

Steps to Resolve
- Navigate to Settings -> Administration -> Users
- Next highlight all users in the system
- Click the 'Manage Roles' button on the ribbon
- Pick 'North52 BPA - Standard'
- Click 'Ok'
The resolution of this issue is to assign the logged on user who received the error one of the following BPA Security Roles.
- North52 BPA - Administrator.
- This security role is to be assigned to any users of the system that need to perform create \ update \ delete operations on formulae within the system.
- North52 BPA - Standard.
- This is the standard security role for Forumla Manager which allows users to read formula data and therefore execute formulae when an action is carried out. This security role should be assigned to all users of the system that do not have the "North52 BPA - Administrator" role.