Please provide your ideas for future Business Process Activities product enhancements. The most voted for ideas will become priority items to be implemented into a future product release.
Schedule Dependencies
Provide an intuitive manner in which a Schedule can be dependent upon another schedule. And then take that concept a step further by being able to group many schedules into a logical set. And then enable sets to be dependent upon one another. -
Function to Strip HTML
When working with content from emails it would be good to be able to strip the HTML out. If you copy the description field from the email entity into another text field it is unreadable if the email format is HTML. -
Create or Remove Many to Many relationships function
Would be nice to have a function to create or remove Many to Many relationships between entities -
ClientSide function: Execute a JavaScript function
Execute a JavaScript fro ma webResource that has been added to the page. -
ClientSide function: Open a web page
One use case is that I would like to pop open another window if a validation fails. Or if I have a workflow that creates a record, I'd like to insert a N52 formula that can open the created record. -
Error when the Revenue is System Calculated and using the formula to calculate Weighted Estimated Value
Error when the Revenue is System Calculated and using the formula to calculate Weighted Estimated Value -
Add a NotANumber function
Because CRM does not provide a way to format numbers. we sometimes have to display them in a character entity. For example, if you want to store a year value, in a numeric field it will be displayed like this: 2,013 So we have to store it in a character field instead and add some validation. A simple NotANumber function would be a very useful way to validate these fields. I may have missed the ability to do this - the conversion functions don't seem to help - maybe it could be done with regex, but I can't work out how. -
Source Property dropdwon should list entities alphabetically by entity display name
List of entities against Source Property field does not list entities alphabetically. When you have a long list of entities, it can be difficult to find the entity you want. -
Exporting Formula Enahancements
I like to keep each formula in it's own zip file. When I select multiple formulas I would like to be able to have the option to save each formula in it's own file. Now I have to save each one, one at a time. -
Provide the ability to execute a workflow from a server side formula
Provide the ability to execute a workflow from a server side formula